Owner and Wine grower in Gigondas since 1929

Our history begins in 1929 when my grand father decides to bottle and trade under the signature Pierre Amadieu his wine coming from the 7 hectares (17 acres) of vineyard in Gigondas passed on by generation to generation. He is then one of the firsts to print the name of the appellation on his bottles and obtains from 1932 a golden medal in the National Agricultural Concours of Paris.
We are presently at the head of the company. Pierre is in charge of the winemaking. He is working with his uncle Claude, who runs the vineyard, and with his three cousins : Henri-Claude manages the sales, Jean-Marie helps him for cellar management and vinification, and Marie is in charge of B to C sales and our wine shop. Together, we perpetuate the long-established family Amadieu spirit, respecting traditions and soils, in order to produce wines that reflect and embody our unique terroir. Our aim is to offer you wines that are faithful to my grandfather’s quality standards, adding a touch of modernity to delight the most discerning of palates.
We are not followers of over-extracted wines and often “heavy” to taste ; our ambition is rather to obtain well-balanced wines with a Burgundy fineness. Through the ageing we try to reveal all the elegance and richness of our protected terroirs located on the heights of the appellation Gigondas. From vines to the bottling patience and observation are required. Today appreciated all over the world, every vintage reserves its subtleties which we are happy to subject to your appreciation.